Les prix des cigares cubains ont connu une augmentation significative ces dernières années. Habanos S.A., la société de fabrication et de distribution du secteur du cigare contrôlée par l’État cubain, a mis en place une hausse des prix majeure, en particulier pour les marques Cohiba et Trinidad. Les prix ont doublé, voire triplé, dans de nombreux marchés. Cette augmentation des prix s’explique par l’offre et la demande, ainsi que par la volonté de positionner Cohiba et Trinidad comme des produits de luxe. Les hausses de prix ont été observées sur des marchés tels que le Royaume-Uni, l’Espagne et l’Allemagne.
Mais à quoi attribuer cette montée en flèche des prix ? Est-ce simplement dû à l’offre et la demande ou y a-t’il d’autres facteurs en jeu ? Découvrez dans cet article comment les prix des cigares cubains ont évolué et quel impact cela a eu sur le marché.
Impact of Price Hikes in the UK
In the United Kingdom, renowned for its high cigar prices, Cuban cigars have experienced a range of price hikes, from modest to extreme. Notably, the price of Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 and Partagás Serie D No. 4 increased by 8 percent. However, the prices of Cohiba Lanceros and Cohiba Esplendido skyrocketed by 63.3% and 36.6% respectively. These substantial price hikes have made Cuban cigars even more expensive, presenting a challenge for buyers who wish to enjoy Cohiba and Trinidad cigars.
Cigar | Price Increase |
Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 | 8% |
Partagás Serie D No. 4 | 8% |
Cohiba Lanceros | 63.3% |
Cohiba Esplendido | 36.6% |
Price Increases in Spain
L’Espagne, le plus grand marché en volume pour les cigares cubains, a connu une augmentation encore plus extrême des prix. Le célèbre Cohiba Siglo II, par exemple, a vu une hausse de prix de détail de 117,6 %, passant de 17,40 euros à 37 euros. De même, le prix du Cohiba Siglo VI est passé de 37,80 euros à 81 euros. Le Cohiba Esplendido, l’un des Churchill emblématiques de Cuba, a connu une énorme augmentation de prix de 118,2 %, passant de 43,60 euros à 96 euros. Dans l’ensemble, les hausses de prix en Espagne ont rendu les cigares cubains considérablement plus chers.
Cigare | Ancien Prix | Nouveau Prix | Augmentation en % |
Cohiba Siglo II | 17,40 euros | 37 euros | 117,6% |
Cohiba Siglo VI | 37,80 euros | 81 euros | 114,8% |
Cohiba Esplendido | 43,60 euros | 96 euros | 118,2% |
Price Changes in Germany
Germany, known for its avid cigar enthusiasts, has also felt the impact of price changes on Cuban cigars. As with Spain, the prices of popular Cuban cigar brands like Cohiba and Trinidad have seen significant increases, making it more expensive for cigar lovers in Germany to indulge in their favorite smokes.
The rise in prices has not only affected the wallets of German cigar aficionados but has also brought about changes in the dynamics of the cigar market. The increased cost of Cuban cigars has led to a decrease in their availability, as some retailers and shops are hesitant to stock these higher-priced products.
German Cigar Shops
Despite the price changes, there are still reputable cigar shops in Germany where enthusiasts can find a wide selection of Cuban cigars. These establishments offer a curated collection of premium cigars, including famous Cuban brands. Here are some recommended cigar shops in Germany:
- Davidoff of Geneva, Berlin: Located in the heart of Berlin, this renowned cigar lounge offers a luxurious setting and a variety of Cuban cigars.
- Cigar World, Dusseldorf: Known for its extensive cigar selection, Cigar World is a haven for cigar enthusiasts. They carry a range of Cuban cigars, including popular brands like Cohiba and Trinidad.
- Cigarworld.de: An online retailer specializing in premium cigars, Cigarworld.de offers a wide range of Cuban cigars that can be conveniently purchased from the comfort of your own home.
If you’re looking for advice on buying Cuban cigars in Germany, here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:
- Research and compare prices: Before making a purchase, take the time to research and compare prices from different retailers. This will ensure you’re getting the best possible price for your desired Cuban cigar.
- Read customer reviews: Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and authenticity of cigars sold by different retailers. Look for shops with positive reviews to ensure a satisfactory shopping experience.
- Seek recommendations: If you’re new to buying Cuban cigars in Germany, don’t hesitate to seek recommendations from fellow enthusiasts or knowledgeable staff at reputable cigar shops. They can help guide you toward the best choices based on your preferences and budget.
By following these tips and exploring trusted cigar shops, you can navigate the changing landscape of Cuban cigar prices in Germany and continue to enjoy the pleasure of smoking these world-renowned cigars.
Impact on Cuban Cigar Brands
The recent price increases have had a significant impact on the renowned Cuban cigar brands. One of the most affected brands is Cohiba Behikes, known for their exceptional quality and rarity. With the price hikes, these highly sought-after cigars have become even more expensive and harder to find. The price of the popular BHK 52 doubled in some markets, making it extremely exclusive. Similarly, the price of the BHK 56 experienced an astounding increase of almost 140 percent, further adding to its exclusivity.
Another notable brand impacted by the price hikes is Trinidad cigars. The flagship Fundadores size, cherished by cigar enthusiasts worldwide, saw a drastic price increase of 261.1 percent. This incredible surge in price has made it even more unattainable for many buyers, pushing it further into the realm of luxury cigars.
These price increases have made Cuban cigar brands, like Cohiba and Trinidad, even more exclusive and unattainable for many buyers.
The scarcity and high price of these cigars not only adds to their allure, but also presents a challenge for cigar enthusiasts who wish to indulge in these premium Cuban brands. The price hikes have positioned these cigars as symbols of luxury and exclusivity, appealing to a discerning clientele who seek the utmost quality and prestige in their smoking experience.
Shift in Consumer Preferences
Les augmentations de prix sur les cigares cubains ont entraîné un changement dans les préférences des consommateurs. De nombreux acheteurs se tournent maintenant vers des marques alternatives du Nicaragua, du Honduras et de la République dominicaine. Ces marques offrent des options plus abordables et gagnent en popularité parmi les fumeurs de cigares, en particulier parmi la jeune génération. Ce changement dans les préférences des consommateurs devrait se poursuivre et potentiellement avoir un impact sur l’avenir des ventes de cigares cubains.
Reactions from Retailers and Distributors
The price increases on Cuban cigars have elicited diverse responses from retailers and distributors. While some express concerns about the potential impact on sales and customer dissatisfaction, others believe that the strong reputation and allure of Cuban cigar brands will outweigh the price increases, ensuring continued demand from dedicated cigar enthusiasts.
For instance, the general manager of a prominent cigar bar in Montreal has recently reconsidered carrying the entire lineup of Cohiba and Trinidad cigars due to negative feedback from customers. The price hikes have made these luxury brands less accessible to a wider range of buyers, potentially affecting sales.
However, other retailers and distributors argue that the exclusivity and prestige associated with Cuban cigar brands will prevail. Despite the increased prices, cigar aficionados may still be willing to pay a premium for the quality and heritage that Cuban cigars represent.
Overall, the reactions from retailers and distributors reflect the mixed sentiment surrounding the price increases. While some anticipate challenges in meeting customer demands, others remain optimistic about the continued demand for marques de cigares cubains 2024.
Habanos’ Record Profits
Malgré l’augmentation des prix des cigares cubains, Habanos, l’organisme responsable de l’industrie des cigares cubains, a annoncé des profits records. En 2021, l’entreprise a enregistré une croissance de 15% dans son segment haut de gamme, générant ainsi 568 millions de dollars de revenus.
Cette performance exceptionnelle s’explique par la forte demande et la réputation des marques telles que Cohiba et Trinidad. En dépit des hausses de prix, les aficionados de cigares continuent d’apprécier la qualité et l’exclusivité des cigares cubains.
Habanos reste confiant dans sa stratégie tarifaire et prévoit une croissance continue dans les années à venir. La société a su créer un équilibre entre la demande mondiale et l’attrait pour ces produits de luxe, ce qui lui a permis de réaliser des bénéfices sans précédent.
Année | Croissance du segment haut de gamme | Revenus (en millions de dollars) |
2021 | 15% | 568 |
2020 | 12% | 510 |
2019 | 10% | 466 |
Cette performance financière impressionnante témoigne de la reconnaissance mondiale des cigares cubains et de l’intérêt continu des amateurs de cigares haut de gamme à travers le monde.
Challenges in the Cuban Cigar Industry
The Cuban cigar industry, renowned for its excellence and tradition, faces a range of challenges that impact its production and availability. These challenges include weather-related disasters and staffing issues, which have significant consequences for the industry’s operations and the quality of the cigars produced.
- Weather-Related Disasters: The Cuban cigar industry is susceptible to weather-related disasters, such as hurricanes, that can cause substantial damage to tobacco fields. One notable example is Hurricane Ian, which devastated tobacco crops and disrupted the growing season. These natural disasters can lead to decreased supply and a subsequent increase in prices.
- Staffing Issues: The shortage of experienced rollers poses a significant challenge to the Cuban cigar industry. Skilled rollers play a crucial role in producing cigars of exceptional quality. The scarcity of these artisans impacts production capacity and leads to delays in fulfilling demand. Addressing this issue is crucial to maintaining the industry’s reputation.
- Exodus of Skilled Artisans: Another challenge faced by the Cuban cigar industry is the exodus of skilled artisans from the country. Many talented individuals have sought opportunities abroad, resulting in a loss of expertise and craftsmanship within the industry. This has, in turn, affected the availability and quality of Cuban cigars.
Despite these challenges, the Cuban cigar industry remains resilient and continues to produce cigars that are highly sought after by enthusiasts around the world. However, concerted efforts are necessary to mitigate these challenges and ensure the industry’s long-term success.
“The Cuban cigar industry faces various challenges, including weather-related disasters, staffing issues, and the exodus of skilled artisans. These challenges impact production capacity, availability, and the overall quality of Cuban cigars. Addressing these challenges is crucial for the industry’s sustainability and continued contribution to the world of premium cigars.”
Challenges | Impact |
Weather-Related Disasters | Damage to tobacco fields, decreased supply, and potential price increases |
Staffing Issues | Decreased production capacity, fulfillment delays, and potential quality concerns |
Exodus of Skilled Artisans | Loss of expertise and craftsmanship, potential impact on availability and quality |
The Global Cigar Market
Les hausses de prix des cigares cubains ont entraîné un changement sur le marché mondial des cigares. Alors que les cigares cubains deviennent plus chers et plus exclusifs, les consommateurs se tournent vers d’autres marques de cigares de luxe et des alternatives. Les marques de pays comme la République dominicaine, le Honduras et le Nicaragua gagnent en popularité parmi les amateurs de cigares. Le marché mondial des produits de luxe devrait continuer à croître, offrant des opportunités tant pour les marques de cigares cubains que non-cubains.
Outlook for Cuban Cigar Prices
L’avenir des prix des cigares cubains reste incertain. La stratégie de tarification de Habanos vise à atteindre une norme tarifaire mondiale, alignant les prix sur le marché de Hong Kong. Bien que les hausses de prix aient entraîné des coûts plus élevés pour les cigares cubains, Habanos s’attend à ce que certaines marques et références s’adaptent mieux aux changements de prix que d’autres. La demande de cigares cubains pourrait continuer parmi les personnes à hauts revenus et les collectionneurs, assurant la stabilité du marché.
Afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution des prix des cigares cubains, voici une comparaison des prix de certains cigares populaires à Cuba pour l’année 2024 :
Nom du Cigare | Prix Avant | Prix Après | Variation |
Partagás Serie D No. 4 | 25 CUC | 35 CUC | +40% |
Cohiba Robusto | 35 CUC | 50 CUC | +43% |
Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 | 20 CUC | 28 CUC | +40% |
Malgré ces hausses de prix, vous pouvez toujours trouver des cigares cubains à bon prix sur le marché. Il est important de chercher des offres spéciales, de comparer les prix et de choisir judicieusement vos fournisseurs. Il existe également des boutiques en ligne réputées qui offrent une large sélection de cigares cubains à des prix compétitifs. Soyez à l’affût des promotions et des offres de livraison gratuite pour économiser davantage.
Conseils pour acheter des cigares cubains à bon prix :
- Comparez les prix dans différentes boutiques et en ligne.
- Recherchez les promos et les offres spéciales.
- Achetez en vrac pour obtenir des réductions.
- Achetez auprès de détaillants fiables et réputés.
- Ne négligez pas les cigares moins connus qui offrent un bon rapport qualité-prix.
En suivant ces conseils, vous pourrez continuer à profiter des délicieux cigares cubains sans vous ruiner. N’oubliez pas de vérifier les lois et restrictions sur l’achat de cigares cubains dans votre pays pour éviter les problèmes juridiques.
Factory Floors
Navigating the factory floors of Cuba’s famed cigar manufacturers unveils a captivating world where tradition and craftsmanship converge, breathing life into the luxury that is globally recognized as the pinnacle of cigar excellence. As you step onto these floors, you’re not just walking on concrete but stepping back in time, where every leaf tells a story of heritage and meticulous care.
Romeo y Julieta and H. Upmann: Icons of Craftsmanship
At the heart of Havana, the Romeo y Julieta and H. Upmann factories stand as monuments to Cuban cigar history. Here, “Please Enable JavaScript” signs are unnecessary reminders of the analog beauty amidst our digital age, with every cigar rolled by hand, echoing a tradition unbroken for centuries. As 2023 unfolds, the demand for these icons remains unwavering, with aficionados willing to pay a premium per cigar, underscoring the timeless appeal of quality over quantity.
Price Increases and the Response from Aficionados
2023 has ushered in significant price increases for these handcrafted marvels, a reflection of both the rising demand for cigars and the meticulous labor involved in producing each Cohiba, Bolivar, or Cuaba. The price of the Cohiba, especially, has seen notable adjustments, echoing through the corridors of La Casa del Habano stores around the globe. Despite the sticker shock, the reverence for these great cigars hasn’t waned; if anything, the allure of possessing a box of 10 Cohiba Behikes or Trinidads has only intensified.
The 2023 Habano Festival: A Celebration Amidst Adversity
The annual Habano Festival in January 2023 was more than a celebration; it was a defiant display of resilience amidst challenges. With tobacco farms reporting a 15 percent growth despite the hurdles posed by weather-related disasters and staffing issues, the festival was a testament to Cuba’s unyielding spirit. Official Habanos distributors and companies like 5th Avenue Products Trading announced major plans for the year, signaling a robust future for Cuban cigars on the global stage.
More Than Just Cigars: A Symbol of Luxury
The recent price adjustments have transformed these cigars from mere smoking products to symbols of luxury and exclusivity. Each increase, from the £110 tag of a Bolivar Royal Corona to the 166 euros needed for a Cohiba Esplendido, has not deterred the dedicated smoker. Instead, it has often allocated these cigars to the realm of the collector and the aficionado, those for whom cigars are not just a hobby but a passion.
Navigating the New Global Pricing Standard
As we stand on the precipice of 2024, the trajectory of Cuban cigar prices appears aligned with a new global pricing standard, mirroring the opulence of luxury goods. The announcement of major shifts in pricing by official Habanos distributors has not quelled the demand but rather cemented the status of Cuban cigars as the gold standard in smoking luxury.
Factory Floors: Where Magic Happens
On the factory floors across Pinar del Rio to La Habana, the story of Cuban cigars continues to unfold. Each roller, each leaf, and every box of 10 Cohiba or Partagas cigars represent a lineage of excellence. The percent increase in prices, the triple-check quality assurance, and the luxury labels attached to each product have only deepened the lore of Cuban cigars.
In this new era, the factories of Romeo y Julieta, Upmann, and Cohiba are more than just production sites; they are the soul of Cuba, embodying a tradition that thrives despite the odds. As we gaze into the future, it’s clear: the essence of Cuban cigars remains untouched, a beacon for those who seek the ultimate in smoking pleasure.
Robust Sales
In the swirling smoke of a Havana evening, the story of Cuban cigars continues to unfold, marked by an elegance and tradition that transcends time. The recent years, especially the shift from the previous year to 2023, have seen Cuban cigar prices soar, a testament to their unmatched quality and the luxury they represent. As we delve into the nuances of this evolution, it becomes clear that despite price hikes, the demand for these iconic cigars has not waned but rather grown, showcasing the resilience of a luxury market unfazed by economic shifts.
Robust Sales Amidst Rising Prices
The tale of Cuban cigars is one of robust sales, defying the gravity of price increases. From the streets of “La Habana” to the sophisticated lounges of the world, the allure of brands like Cohiba and Trinidad—referred to affectionately by aficionados as Cohibas and Trinidads—has only intensified. Last year’s price seems a distant memory as aficionados continue to buy cigars, their passion undeterred by the new price tags of 118 euros and beyond for premium selections.
The Triple Threat: Quality, Scarcity, and Prestige
Cuban cigars offer a triple threat that keeps enthusiasts coming back: unparalleled quality, scarcity, and an air of prestige. The “triple” does not refer to the layers of a cigar but to these three pillars that elevate Cuban cigars to their luxury status. This past year, and many before it, have solidified their place atop the pantheon of luxury goods, with companies that have announced price increases witnessing a paradoxical surge in demand. The announcements of major price adjustments were met not with despair but with a readiness from connoisseurs to adjust their budgets accordingly.
The Unwavering Demand in “De La Habana”
The streets of “De La Habana” are more than just geographical landmarks; they are the heartbeats of the Cuban cigar industry. Here, amidst the historic factories and bustling markets, the spirit of Cuban cigars is most alive. The year’s price increases, already announced to the public, have become a topic of discussion among both locals and tourists. Yet, the desire to own a piece of this luxury, to partake in the ritual of smoking a hand-rolled masterpiece, remains stronger than ever.
Companies Navigate Through Price Hikes
As prices surged to 118 euros for some of the most sought-after sticks, companies around the globe that distribute these treasures braced themselves. The announcements were major, signaling not just a change in cost but a reaffirmation of the value placed on craftsmanship and heritage. These companies, having announced their price adjustments, were perhaps surprised to find that the demand for Cuban cigars remained unwavering, with sales figures robust and promising.
The journey of Cuban cigars, from the fertile fields of Pinar del Rio to the ornate shops of La Casa del Habano, is a narrative steeped in tradition and luxury. Despite the challenges of weather, the complexities of production, and the vagaries of global economics, the Cuban cigar remains an emblem of sophistication. As we look back on the previous year and ahead to the future, one thing remains clear: the allure of Cuban cigars, symbolized by the iconic brands of Cohibas and Trinidads, is timeless, transcending the constraints of price to offer a moment of unparalleled pleasure to those who understand its value.
Cohiba Ambar Coming To Switzerland
Cohiba Ambar Coming To Switzerland
The world of luxury cigars is buzzing with excitement as Habanos S.A. announces the introduction of the Cohiba Ambar, a new jewel in the crown of its illustrious portfolio. Set to grace the shores of Switzerland in January 2023, this announcement comes amidst the backdrop of significant price adjustments across the board for the renowned Cuban brand.
The Essence of Cohiba Ambar
The Cohiba Ambar is poised to redefine elegance and sophistication in the cigar world. Crafted with the meticulous attention to detail that Cohiba is celebrated for, the Ambar is a medium-bodied cigar, embodying the exquisite balance of complexity and smoothness. Its debut is highly anticipated by cigar aficionados, who eagerly await the chance to experience its unique flavor profile.
A Response to Increasing Demand
This new addition comes at a crucial time when the demand for premium cigars, particularly Cohiba, has surged. Despite recent price increases announced by Habanos for 2023, the allure of Cohiba remains undiminished. Retail price adjustments reflect the brand’s positioning as a symbol of luxury, with each Cohiba Ambar set to retail at a new price that underscores its exclusivity.
A New Chapter in Swiss Cigar Retail
Switzerland, known for its discerning luxury goods market, is an apt choice for the launch of Cohiba Ambar. Swiss cigar distributors and retailers are gearing up for the arrival, ensuring that aficionados can access these remarkable cigars. This launch not only signifies a new chapter for Cohiba in Switzerland but also reinforces the country’s status as a pivotal market for premium cigar distribution.
Embracing the Legacy and Craftsmanship
The Cohiba Ambar is a tribute to the legacy of Cuban tobacco, showcasing the skill and tradition of the El Laguito factory’s artisans. From the selection of the finest leaves from Pinar del Rio to the expert craftsmanship that goes into each cigar, the Ambar is a testament to the heights of quality that Habano enthusiasts have come to expect.
Navigating the Global Pricing Standard
Habanos S.A.’s new global pricing strategy, aimed at aligning prices with the Hong Kong market, has been met with mixed reactions. However, the introduction of the Cohiba Ambar illustrates the brand’s commitment to offering unparalleled quality, despite the sticker shock that the price increases have caused. It’s a bold move that highlights Habanos S.A.’s confidence in the enduring appeal of its luxury products.
A Luxury Experience for the Cigar Aficionado
The Cohiba Ambar represents more than just a new cigar; it’s an invitation to a luxury experience that transcends the ordinary. With a retail price set to reflect its premium status, this cigar is destined for the humidors of the most discerning smokers, promising a smoking experience that is both profound and memorable.
Conclusion: A Bright Future Ahead
As we look towards 2023, the introduction of the Cohiba Ambar in Switzerland is a beacon of excitement for cigar enthusiasts and collectors alike. It symbolizes the vibrant future of the Cuban cigar industry, one that honors its rich heritage while boldly embracing change. The Cohiba Ambar is not just a new cigar; it’s a celebration of the art of cigar making, offering a glimpse into the future of luxury smoking experiences.
New Cuban Cigars Announced At 24th Habanos Festival
New Cuban Cigars Announced At 24th Habanos Festival
As the world of cigar aficionados turns its eyes towards the 24th Habanos Festival held in January 2024, the anticipation for new releases reaches a fever pitch. The festival, a hallmark event for the cigar industry, is where Habanos S.A., the leading force in the global distribution of Cuban cigars, unveils its latest offerings, setting the tone for trends in the coming year.
The Spotlight on Luxury: Cohiba and Montecristo Lead the Charge
Among the most eagerly awaited announcements were the new additions to the Cohiba and Montecristo lines. These brands, synonymous with luxury and the epitome of Cuban craftsmanship, have been at the forefront of the Habanos portfolio, representing the pinnacle of cigar excellence. The 2024 festival did not disappoint, with each brand introducing cigars that promise to captivate the palates of smokers around the world.
Cohiba Behike: The Crown Jewel
The Cohiba Behike line, often heralded as the crown jewel of Cuban cigars, saw the introduction of a new vitola, enhancing its already legendary status among collectors and aficionados. Known for its exquisite blend of the finest leaves from the Pinar del Río region, the Behike’s latest iteration is poised to offer an unparalleled smoking experience, despite the significant price increases announced for 2024. The new Behike, with its meticulous construction and depth of flavor, underscores Cuba’s unmatched tobacco heritage.
Montecristo’s Bold Expansion
Not to be outdone, Montecristo, a name that evokes the rich history and tradition of Cuban cigars, unveiled a new line that pays homage to its classic roots while embracing innovation. This new series, inspired by the adventurous spirit of the Count of Montecristo, combines the brand’s signature strength and complexity with a contemporary twist, catering to both longtime fans and a new generation of smokers.
Addressing the Challenges: Production and Pricing
The announcements come at a time when the Cuban cigar industry faces significant challenges, from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on production to the new global pricing strategy implemented by Habanos S.A. The price increases from Habanos, affecting every market from the Dominican Republic to Germany, have sparked discussions among distributors around the world, with many expressing concerns about affordability and accessibility for the average smoker.
Embracing Change: The Shift in Consumer Preferences
The festival also highlighted the industry’s resilience and adaptability. As the largest market for Cuban cigars continues to evolve, with many cigar smokers seeking out alternatives from regions like the Dominican Republic due to the pandemic’s effects and price hikes, Habanos S.A. is keen on maintaining its esteemed position. The introduction of new cigars and pricing models reflects a strategic response to changing consumer preferences and the ongoing demand for luxury goods within the cigar world.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Cuban Cigars
As we move further into 2024, the cigar community watches closely to see how these new releases and price adjustments will shape the market. The Habanos Festival not only serves as a showcase for Cuba’s finest cigars but also as a barometer for the industry’s direction in the face of global challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar collector or a casual smoker, the developments from this year’s festival promise to leave a lasting impact on the world of premium cigars.
Les hausses de prix sur les cigares cubains ont eu un impact significatif sur le marché et les préférences des consommateurs. Bien que Habanos ait enregistré des profits records, les détaillants et les distributeurs rencontrent des difficultés pour répondre aux demandes des clients. Les consommateurs se tournent vers des marques de cigares alternatives provenant d’autres pays et le marché mondial des cigares évolue. L’avenir des prix des cigares cubains reste incertain, mais l’attrait des marques de luxe et la passion pour les cigares continuent de stimuler le marché.
La hausse des prix sur les cigares cubains a rendu ces produits plus exclusifs et inabordables pour de nombreux acheteurs. De ce fait, les consommateurs se tournent vers des marques de cigares de pays comme la République dominicaine, le Honduras et le Nicaragua. Ces marques offrent des options plus abordables et gagnent en popularité parmi les fumeurs de cigares, en particulier parmi la jeune génération. Ce changement de préférences des consommateurs devrait se poursuivre et potentiellement avoir un impact sur l’avenir des ventes de cigares cubains.
Alors que quelques marques spécifiques de cigares cubains ont vu leurs prix augmenter de manière spectaculaire, cela n’a pas dissuadé les amateurs de cigares fortunés de continuer à les acheter. La réputation et l’exclusivité des marques de cigares cubains tels que Cohiba et Trinidad continuent d’attirer les collectionneurs et les personnes appréciant les produits de luxe. Malgré les hausses de prix, Habanos prévoit une croissance continue du marché dans les années à venir grâce à une demande soutenue et à la renommée de ces marques emblématiques.